Act 4 Ukraine September 2022

The ACT 4 Ukraine team of volunteers is actively involved in humanitarian activities, arranging food donations and medical supplies, working hard to deliver the supplies to the hospitals and internally displaced Ukrainians. This service of bringing unconditional love and service to internally displaced Ukrainian families has left a rewarding experience and learning for our team in realizing the possibility of the true impact of kindness, compassion and celebrating humanity.

Highlights for September

  • Our ACT 4 Ukraine team delivered and supported around 1440 families, with food and supplies, 180 of these families registered as having a family member with a disability.
  • Animals were provided for by food, medical attention and kennels.
  • A total of 17,320 Kg of food, 320 kg of medicines and other necessary supplies were distributed in Ukraine for the month.
  • In addition 505 Kg of food was distributed in Romania.
600 kg of food and 200 kg of medical supplies were delivered by our Compassion Van.
75 Kg medical supplies, 1200Kg food and 100 kg of necessities were distributed among families and schools in Boyani.
2640 kg of food and supplies were distributed to 220 families in Lukavtsi and Beregomet.
1000 Kg of medical supplies were donated to Chernivtsi Regional Hospital of War Veterans.
1870 Kg food was distributed to disabled families in Hubwork.
15 families in Boyani are regularly being visited and supported by our ACT 4 Ukraine volunteers. In September in addition to food boxes, the team also distributed wheelchairs, of which one is a neurological wheelchair, bedding materials and special need products such as adult diapers, a phone, a hand-held blender.
The compassion van made a trip into Ukraine to deliver 600 kg of food and 200 kg of medical supplies (to Chernivtsi Regional Psychiatric Hospital). Food was delivered to Casa Neemia (home to orphans and Ukranian displaced persons).
Two dog shelters were supplied with food and accessories. Dog food was delivered for abandoned and needy dogs in Boyany.
One of our volunteers worked to improve the living conditions of animals in Ukraine by providing the dogs with food, parasite treatment and with the help of others built and delivered dog houses in Boyany.
11 tons of food arrived from the UK. ACT 4 Ukraine volunteers traveled out from the UK to help with the distribution of the materials. The compassion van was used to make deliveries to various villages throughout the Chernivtsi Oblast delivering personalized bags of food to over 500 families.
The team helped in Boyany by making up to 80 boxes of food weighing 20kg each. Many families came to collect their “hamper” box, and the compassion van drove and delivered the “hampers” to families in need.
Our team arranged for transport of food and hygiene products for about 200 families in Eastern Ukraine.
A school near Boyany was delivered the first part of materials for their art room.
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